Ancient doctors in China attached great importance to diet-therapy. Ancient doctors chose diet-therapy to treat diseases as a first step in the process of treatment and then followed up with herbs and then acupuncture if necessary. It is said that in the process of recovery from illness, treatment is 30% of the process and life style including food intake, is 70%.There are two distinct goals of diet-therapy: to assist in treating disease and to keep the body strong and healthy.
One of the basic principles of nutrition is that the stomach and other digestive organs don’t function optimally when cold food or beverages are taken.
I recommend reading Steven Acuff’s book “Eating the WU WAY for a Longer Healthier Life“. As he explains: The Daoist concept of ‘Wu Wei’ literally means’ Not Doing’ or ‘Without Effort’; do nothing that disturbs the harmony of the natural order.’Go with the flow’ of nature.”
As part of each patient’s visit, there is a discussion of what healthy food choices would look like for their particular needs .